Monday, October 4, 2010

Puerto Galera

I have been in Philippines for 2 weeks up to October 3 and at last, me and family had a chance to go to the beach. Puerto Galera is a famous destination for tourist due to its white sand. It is popular especially during summer and Holy week where charges on accommodation goes up to 3 times its normal price. Gio and Gideon did not want to go at first, not until they heard that they can play in the sands. ()

To go to Puerto Galera, we rode a bus going to Batangas Pier. In the Port is a terminal for boats which goes to Puerto Galera and other parts of Mindoro (I am not sure where else the other lines go to). The boat ride is just a bit more than an hour to White Beach Resort. We rode the last trip (5pm) so we were disembarked at Muelle and we were sent to White Beach after.

Muelle Port
We only stayed at Sea Jewel Resort for 2 nights as Gio and Gideon cannot afford to absent in their classes. We used all the time we had to enjoy. We went out on Friday night but there wasn't much shows as there aren't much guests. We hired a boat on Saturday and we are almost out the whole day doing island hopping on the area where corals are. It was the first time that we did snorkeling with nice coral views. They enjoyed our stay and that made my holidays.

I of course have my camera with me and took photos of my family and the beautiful views and below is my favorite of all shots.

For other pictures of Puerto Galera click 1 and 2.


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