Monday, November 15, 2010

Book: Fish!

This thin book is a fable about a demotivated and weary people and area in a company and how it was transformed into a happy and inciting one. This is a simple leadership book that can help not only leaders in offices but also in any type of workplace -  and outside of it too!.

The ingredients based from it are:
1. Choose your Attitude.
2. Be present
3. Play.
4. Make their day.

The said ingredients to a better workplace are basic and inside the book are explication of them. On our Toastmasters meeting, "Attitude" was used as a word for the day and what is catchy is when he said that "it is contagious so be careful what you catch". The author made is easy for us to understand the importance of it and that the other 3 are nothing without it.

The first book about leadership that I have read is also a fable - "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" by  Robin Sharma and I will follow other coming fables that is about self help and leadership.

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