In Glaxo, when free, we have an internet access which I used so I can learn new things aside form the time to time surfing for the things that is related to my job. I learn to do some 3d animations. I also learned how to make a website and did visual basic programming. Though I don’t recall all of them, knowing the basics made it easier for me to understand other programming languages. I reaped the benefit when I studied PLC which is a high form of programming in the electrical world. I also had a chance of using the intranet’s online courses. Things like Communication and Production operations were part of the choices and it did help me a lot. I did made the most out of my spare time. Even in breaks, I would listen to funny to people to be relaxed and have fun or listen to matured ones to gain knowledge.
Now, it is more of applications of what I have learned, but I still work on improving what I have and continuously learn more. Spare time is usually time to relax and learning for me. I make sure they are balanced as doing one of them often would be boring. I spend them wisely that I would use all the resources around me to learn, grow and make life easier.
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