When I was a kid I like drawing and looking for art pieces such as paintings. I have never been to a contest as there are kids that are better than me and not shy to join. I also love looking at beautiful pictures even then and I envy those who can capture them well. I wanted to take pictures and paint even before but cannot afford one.
Now that things are going smoothly in terms of work and other extra curricular activities I currently have, I believe I can have time for such. When I had a chance, I bought a camera (digital; compact only) for me to use and I have been taking pictures lately, I see that what I have are already good ones, but looking at it closer, there are flaws to fix.
I like colors and pictures, and being good at photo editing is a good thing to gain in such a way that it can boost my creativity. I just hope I am not old enough to start it over again but at least doing what I love is already an accomplishment and I find it stress relieving also. The website designing on the other hand is also a thing to also improve creativity and probably a place to put my future creations.
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