In a factory set-up, we have these apprentices which are those with can later be promoted to something should he persevere in getting it but of course, it needs my push also for him to get it. I also have tradesmen that help these pawns and protect them. The superintendents are my right hand personnel that make sure all subordinates work fine and they are also the main persons that I can count on when needed. I would delegate thing to them that they can do most and where critical matters are. My main task is to put them where they will needed most; make sure that they have resources to accomplish jobs and that they are motivated enough to face the challenges ahead. Like chess, we do not know when opponent e.g breakdowns, will attack us so the best we can do is to prepare for it. With the randomness of the events, I sometimes would find myself taking off my personnel from one job to another that I know have much importance compared to what they are already working at.
Behind the board, I would prepare more as I do not know other challenges that may come, but with experience, I can tell what we can check to prevent future damages. Planning is everything. Always at least a step ahead, keeps me calmer in facing each day. I really have a great deal of battling with procrastination and I always think that not doing so will cause me more problems. Troubles are inevitable, but handling them is what I am mastering.
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