Friday, October 16, 2009


When new things are added to my task or when I am making self-improvements, I have this feeling of uneasiness and my heart also beats differently. I usually go out of office and go to other KKK sites/factory to make myself busy with other things. It takes time before I get a hold of the new situation I am in or new load that is given to me.<> During that period, the main thing I do is keep thinking that I can do it and everything will be OK. I look at it positively as I know I am moving out of my boundary. The criticality of what has to be done depends how long I have to bear the said feeling. Sometimes there are waiting time and I just make sure I focus on other jobs that needs to be finished.

When it is done, things will be at normal again. I may feel uneasy and sometimes gets nervous, but I like that feeling as I know, when it is over, I moved out of my comfort zone. I know that I will have new things coming simply because I look for them and always think about expanding knowledge and gaining more experience on different areas of either work or personal matters.
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Sunday, October 4, 2009


In GlaxoSmithKline as a Plant Mechanic for some years, I have faced a lot of problems and had a lot of critics. Some gave constructive criticisms and of course there are more people who always give comments that are very offensive - some true and some are based on their opinions. I also got into arguments/debates because of it exerting all efforts to prove myself right.<> I have to admit I made a lot of mistakes then but hearing cruel words is really not helpful and ruins my day. I had enough of it that I looked for ways not be annoyed by such but found none.

When I had experienced my biggest problem in that company (I was blamed - big time), there was nothing I can do then but to shut my mouth up. While recovering from that misfortune, I continued to stay quiet. Many more problems came and lots more criticism, I then realized that nothing happens when I ignored them. Time passed by and I saw the mistake I had having to protect myself from those type of people.

From then, I promised myself not to be affected by such. I said to myself that if they say something that is not really happening, I’ll ignore it and not argue. If what they say is right, even in an offensive way, I’ll just accept it. Some gave negative comments but I just looked at it as something to improve at or to correct - if what I did is really wrong. Later, as I ignore them they also halted from criticizing my acts.

I have not been very reactive for long time now, and from an email subscription is this quote from Pathways to Perfect Living which I would like to share:

"You need not defend yourself against anything. Whatever is true in you does not need defense, and whatever is false must have no defense. Do not wear yourself out in useless defense, instead, wisely permit the defeat of falseness. What remains will be right."
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