The Toastmasters International is a company sponsored club which carries the goal of improving communication and leadership skills thru public speaking. Here in Papua New Guinea, it is currently the only group as the first one has just been dissolved. It is listed in District 69 together with Australia and New Zealand.
I have read Dale Carnegie's public speaking book and other communication books. I have also tried most of the things that are written in them and have made good progress in communicating with my subordinates and to my superiors as well. I know that I have a lot more to learn when it comes to communication and needs more confidence in speaking in front of other people.
When I learned that there was a club formed for such, I told myself that I have to become a part of it. I just saw that getting there will already be a challenge and I made my way by asking the president on how to become a member. Though I was not given attention, it did not stop me from trying more and my eagerness prevailed.
I seek for other way such as asking the members. Experiencing my enthusiasm, a close friend of mine, Leah, invited me to be her guest. I was her guest for 2 sessions and I can only observe. From their meeting agendas, I already saw how it can build confidence in people that I told them that I want to become a member. Fortunately, most of the people in that group are my friends so they voted me to become a member.
On August 28, 2010, I had my first day as a Toastmaster and I had fun while learning. I had my opportunities to speak and with the studies that I already made on communication, I performed a step ahead from the beginners. I knew that this club will be my way to more development. Their website is:
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