“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in your reading have been like the blast of triumph out of Shakespeare, Seneca, Moses, John and Paul.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have been writing things that I have learned from books, articles and also inspirational quotes in a blue notebook of mine.<> In there, I also have listed down my goals and check them once in a while and add new goals whenever there are things that come into my mind. Some of them are already done and looking at the unfinished ones gives me motivation to achieve them. I jot down daily activities that I have done that add value to my life (in another file.) Robin Sharma mentioned in his books and Anthony Robbins said, “A life worth living is a life worth recording.” These are the inspiring words that influenced me to do this. I may be a nobody today, but who knows where all my learnings can bring me?
When my wife, Joecy, sees me writing things down she would always smile and tell me that I am writing on my diary again. Most leaders call it a journal and one thing that they would usually recommend for their students and followers to have.
Excellant post. Appreciate for the collection. Keep it up.