Genes and Roberto sent their passports one week after mine was sent. Alice, who is our friend, has been in Australia twice already. Mine was sent together with her passport. Two weeks after sending their passports, the two guys already have their passport. They are of course very happy. Mind you, in Philippines, getting visa to many points in the world is not easy. I should be receiving mine after 2 weeks since I sent it.
Two weeks came and passport is not yet delivered and we should be leaving in two weeks time. Whenever people ask me about leaving, I would tell them that I am not yet sure as I don’t have my visa yet. When Roberto and Genes talk to other about the trip, I would just stay quiet and when asked, I would say that I am not joining Australia trip conversation until I have my visa in my hand. I did not worry even a bit. I already accepted that in case I will not get my visa, it will be fine with me.
Another week passed and Alice said that the visa is ready for pick up. It is odd because we sent a return envelope thru courier. It was late that week and we are leaving on the next one. She just asked someone to pick it up and we will just get it on the 25th – the day of our flight. With that, I became confident on going to Australia and joined conversations regarding it.
Christmas day came and we went to Port Moresby where the plane going to Brisbane will be. We had our visa, thanks to Alice’s friend, and every body was surprised as I have a multiple entry visa. I and Alice are the one with multiple entries within the group of seven that is going. I am very happy and it was a great present.
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