Sunday, February 15, 2009

Changes made

In GlaxoSmithKline, we have am annual team building. In one of those, we are divided into groups and we are asked to say 2 events that had great impact on who we are at that time. I didn’t want it to be dramatic. Before time limit expired I remembered the days when I was very shy and how I changed. I just smiled and volunteered to go first.<>

Event #1:
I was 7 or 8 then and we (me and my auntie) are just walking and have to buy something about 500 meters away from our house. While walking back home, we just stepped in front of a house where a birthday party is being celebrated. It was my cousin and they invited us inside when they saw us outside. Being very shy, I did not come in and just said alibis. I stayed outside while my auntie came in to check inside. Later, the birthday celebrant’s brother came out and brought a hotdog on stick to me. I did not accept it. My auntie got angry with me and told what happened to my father. My father also got angry and in a loud and angry voice, he told me to stop being shy. I got very nervous as my father big man and I am just a small kid. I am fortunate that I tried change after that. Little by little, I tried to mingle with other kids. It tried my best but it took me some years before I changed – about 5 years.

Event #2:
When I changed, I changed big time. When I was in 2nd year high school, I lost a lot of my shyness and have been with many people, learned and played lot of sports but have been a mocker in class. I spoke too loud often and roam around like a supervisor while waiting for the instructor. One day, in a game of chess, I boasted a classmate to make a move which is a wrong one. That guy thought that it is a good one and pushed the piece where I wanted it to be. He lost easily because of that, as I expected to happen. While I am about to go out of the room, that same guy shouted aloud and in an very angry voice that I am too rude. It hit me… and thought of it the whole day. That time I thought I have totally lost my shyness and that it is not good also. I promised my self to regulate my attitude and try to squeeze in some shyness when needed. The next day, I said sorry to that guy. After that day, I made sure that that incident would not happen again and became cautious of my words and moves that I will take. I am fortunate that it happened early as I changed and did not have much problem during my college days and up to now. End.


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