Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We went out of Lae last Easter and it gave me a different sense of easiness. Looking at the scenery on our way to Goroka, even with the long drive ahead of us, gave me calmness not same as the relaxed feeling I have while making decisions and solving problem.<> Not thinking of and away from work even for a day helped me relieve whatever is in me that I have carried for a while.

Even though I stay calm at work, hearing and seeing adverse events still produces these little things called stress. Stress is something that will come to us inevitably and for me, relieving and handling it is what matters. Instead of letting it build up, best to let it off before it produces problems. I may usually be relaxed but in case pressure builds up on me, I would always have outlets and going some place new to me will be one of them.

I would like to have rests like the Goroka trip we had, maximize time and go somewhere whenever I can. Carefree, I was like a kid then playing with the offspring of my friends, taking pictures and being amazed by the views. I felt like a different person coming back to Lae after the trip. I am very close to my 3-week leave and I would also want my family to experience the same – to just have fun and enjoy wherever we will plan to go.

1 comment:

  1. i liked this post. so many people never go out.. too busy, no time, other things to do etc. but seriously - going on a hike or a walk or being out of town - it gives you so much positive energy! and it's spring now! everybody should get out and get some sun and be away from everyday routine and stress!


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