Sunday, February 28, 2010

Book #7: Men, Women and Relationships

One of the books that I blogged about is about John Gray’s “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. On one of my stints to Philippines for holidays, I have found another book of him and hoped that it is as good and helpful as the first one that I have read. While in PNG, I have read more than half of the book until I became busy that I had to set it aside.<>

Thanks to the Tsunami alert due to Chile's devastating earthquake, I have to spend the rest of the day at home. I looked for my notebook where I list down my goals, doing so I saw this book with the bookmark on it.

I checked where I left and found that the next chapter is “Symptoms of Stress”. The previous parts are also related to stress but this chapter has the examples to situations that I have been experiencing and found the reasons to the issues I have been dealing with for several years now. I believe that this chapter alone is a good help for partners and also for those who mingles with the opposite sex. I said that because this is where arguments and problem starts and are things that in my experience are hard to communicate.

Almost all parts of the books got my interest and it is like the continuation of the first book which emphasizes difference between male and female.
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Being happy

Almost every morning, I have been saying “it is a good day today” and all things either goes fine or I won’t be affected should problems arise. Lately, I have been smiling and sometimes singing in the factory while walking around. I thought nobody would notice but many did. They became curious why I am happy.<>

My answer is that I really have tasks to finish, problems to solve and lots of goals to accomplish. Instead of being in panic or be stressed, I tried to fight it and turn them into what they are seeing as sign of happiness. Simply, it is a choice I made. I don’t want to frown, so I smile. I don’t want to be angry or depressed because of the situation so I just sing and let it all out.

The good thing with it is that they (signs of happiness) are contagious that when they (factory personnel) would also smile when I make those acts or gestures. Especially with my subordinates who see me as jolly person, they also work happily and work better without the pressure.
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Stock Market

Having read Robert Kiyosaki’s books, I gained interest in his game, Cash Flow 101, which he encourages people to play to learn how to be rich - a goal that I have as I want to help other people. A friend of mine have one and I enthusiastically played it when she invited us. I have gained a lot from it and can win after some time, which is why I entered the real stock market. I tried Port Moresby Stock exchange (POMSoX) in PNG and later Philippine Stock exchange (PSE).<>

Though without much knowledge in it, I started trading on November of 2008 and earned some thru my small initial investment in PSE. I thought it is as simple as picking stocks then wait for luck to come and earn from it. After few months, I then thought that I am a good picker ‘coz all of my stock positions earned. All I did was selling when price of stocks goes up then look for another. I doubled my initial investment after a year and happily wanted to put more in it. I thought it is that easy that I became too lazy to study the details.

After some months, my lucky picking did not work anymore and I lost almost all the earnings I previously had in just 2 months. Checking where I went wrong, I studied more and found out that I was just lucky in a sense that all stocks’ price were at the bottom when I started investing.

When the stock market stabilized, there is where my great journey began. I read lots of articles and watched tutorials. I tried to learn everything I can that is involved in stock market and trading. I have a lot more to learn and as expert say, 10 years or less experienced traders are still amateurs. At least I am now recovering from the loss that I had.
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Getting an expat job, I have been fortunate to have erased my debts. I am happy that I am in a better position and have been paying school fees for my kids and college plans which aren’t from loans which are how I paid them while working on my previous company. Way back, I really hated debts and would use all my physical power to work overtime to pay them early. As I get paid, the next thing in my mind is to pay my loans the soonest.<>

While we are on a trip, I asked Joecy to practice some things I learned (from reading and from the experienced ones) for her business, one of them is asking for [long] term of payment for her dental business which means that we have to borrow from the supplier. This is a very hard thing to do for her as it is to me, but I told her that it is a key to earning a bit more. I told her that she can use the money she has for slow moving items and have the fast moving items be paid after 30 days and just issue a check. I told her that she can earn more if she has more stocks and she can only get it by getting some leverage.

Now that I have gained a lot from Robert Kiyosaki’s writings, I now look for ways to get debts, Joecy reminded me of how I hated debts. I explained to her about the two types of debts which are good and bad debts. Robert explains it simply as good debts makes you rich and bad debts make you poor. In doubt that she listened, I even asked her to repeat what I said which she recited it smiling.

This is just a small deal to make but is very hard for someone like her and me that are inexperienced to this stuff. After much motivation, she promised to ask the supplier on this or any options possible for us to get help.
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