Thursday, February 26, 2009

No Coffee

My personnel complained to me that their coffee ration has depleted fast and that they would need more. I asked them when did they received them, and answered that it was given to them on Monday (three days ago). It is the same amount that they received for months now, but our number in Maintenance has been growing. I asked them if they knew that it will not be enough 2 days ago? They said yes, they knew that it will not be enough days ago.<>

I them asked them why they did not tell us 2 days ago? They cannot respond. I told them that it is the very same thing that happens in the factory. We usually order lubricants and spare parts when the stocks are all used up and they will then ask us to order right away because we need them. (We have a system in place but without full their cooperation, it would not work.) I continued and told them to relate what I said to everything in the factories and in their personal lives. Their faces cleared up after being a bit disappointed.

I asked them to tell us what may become a problem so we can sort it right away instead of waiting things to deplete and then go rushing to buy new stocks.
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Growing w/ AutoCAD

With the seminars that we had and due to the groups that I joined in college, I learned some things that are a hit for engineers that time - AutoCAD. When I had the chance to study them in Franklin Baker, I really did my best to master it. I read books regarding it and asked a guru, Cliff, who became a good friend of mine. He is a Mechanical Engineer and an expert in that software. Before leaving the company, I can already make 3D models of the manufacturing line we had – after almost 2 years. By drawing the whole system, I get to learn the whole process also. I also had good chats with the experts in the manufacturing process.<>

In GlaxoSmithKline, I have used it in Structural works. I have been updating the whole plant and am usually part of planning when there are modifications to be done. With me included in the planning, I learned a lot of how decisions are made and also the process of project management. I also have done 3D models of our boilers and instrumentations for training purposes.

Before going to PNG, I was sent to China for Paper factory training and had to do a layout using the same software. They had a copy of the software and loaded it to the laptop that we had. After installation, the IT guy told us that there is a problem and that is… it is in Chinese (no English translation of the commands). Confidently, I told the IT guy that it is not a problem and I can work on it. Finishing the task, everybody who knew that the software I am using is in Chinese was amazed how I made it. I just told them that the commands are in my head already and I don’t need to read Chinese in order to prepare the drawings.

Putting it altogether, here in PNG, I have to use all the acquired knowledge I gained in drawing and in talking to other people. I have learned that there is more to drawing than the picture itself. Nowadays, I would also do share to the people I talk to while I get the measurements of the things I have to picture out.

I have used AutoCAD R14 (Franklin Baker Co. of the Phil.), AutoCAD2000 (GlaxoSmithKline Phil.) and now AutoCAD 2008 (K.K.Kingston). The tools I used are mostly the same. It just gets easier to use and more expensive every time a new version comes.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Customer Oriented

Monday, 17 Feb. '09, I knew that it was going to be a good day. I promised myself to go and and check out the other manufacturing sites first thing in the morning before going to base - Plastics factory. I started with Paper factory and bumped into an angry manager saying I forgot to send an additional mechanical fitter as he had requested. They already finished the job he continued and no need to send another.<> Before I can say sorry, he walked away. I also walked away instead of saying what I have in mind: "If a fitter is badly needed, why didn't he call us?". It is really is my fault but no need to worry after that... the job is finished already.

Though a friend, I just told myself to treat him as a customer and just follow the saying that "Customer is always right" to keep me from frowning. I know that I just have to come back when he regained his temper. I still went to the other factories and talked to some production personnel.

I went to my Superintendent and he told me that it also slipped off his mind. I told him that I have been in that factory and have heard what the manager has to say. I told him that, that angry man would not be the one to ruin my day. We just laughed about it and he told me that we should tell him that he is not a baby anymore and that he should stop crying.

That day, my boss told me that it is usually emotions that is driving our "customers", all wants need to be satisfied. And that he said, is also what he faces daily. Even though we have been doing things the right way, sometimes, more effort should be given for the needs of those type of people. I understood clearly what he said.

I ended my day very exhausted as there are orders that I followed, many decisions and delegations made. I even have to go for 2 hours of overtime as there was an urgent matter that needed to be sorted out. Though tired, main thing is that nobody ruined my day.
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Changes made

In GlaxoSmithKline, we have am annual team building. In one of those, we are divided into groups and we are asked to say 2 events that had great impact on who we are at that time. I didn’t want it to be dramatic. Before time limit expired I remembered the days when I was very shy and how I changed. I just smiled and volunteered to go first.<>

Event #1:
I was 7 or 8 then and we (me and my auntie) are just walking and have to buy something about 500 meters away from our house. While walking back home, we just stepped in front of a house where a birthday party is being celebrated. It was my cousin and they invited us inside when they saw us outside. Being very shy, I did not come in and just said alibis. I stayed outside while my auntie came in to check inside. Later, the birthday celebrant’s brother came out and brought a hotdog on stick to me. I did not accept it. My auntie got angry with me and told what happened to my father. My father also got angry and in a loud and angry voice, he told me to stop being shy. I got very nervous as my father big man and I am just a small kid. I am fortunate that I tried change after that. Little by little, I tried to mingle with other kids. It tried my best but it took me some years before I changed – about 5 years.

Event #2:
When I changed, I changed big time. When I was in 2nd year high school, I lost a lot of my shyness and have been with many people, learned and played lot of sports but have been a mocker in class. I spoke too loud often and roam around like a supervisor while waiting for the instructor. One day, in a game of chess, I boasted a classmate to make a move which is a wrong one. That guy thought that it is a good one and pushed the piece where I wanted it to be. He lost easily because of that, as I expected to happen. While I am about to go out of the room, that same guy shouted aloud and in an very angry voice that I am too rude. It hit me… and thought of it the whole day. That time I thought I have totally lost my shyness and that it is not good also. I promised my self to regulate my attitude and try to squeeze in some shyness when needed. The next day, I said sorry to that guy. After that day, I made sure that that incident would not happen again and became cautious of my words and moves that I will take. I am fortunate that it happened early as I changed and did not have much problem during my college days and up to now. End.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Habit #2

One day, I just happened to ask Wonia, a fitter of mine, what the date that day is. He said “it is the 16th of January” and said that “time flies and we grow old very fast”. I smiled with what I heard and told him that I am excited to grow old because I already have an idea of what I will become on that time. I told him that I would probably have the things that I would like to have on that time, accomplished a lot of my plans and that it is just a matter of time before I get them. I already have a vision of what my future looks like, I continued.

Habit #2 from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is "Begin with the end in mind". Other would call it the big picture, other’s term is vision.

"Vision is defined as the ability to see beyond the present and to create what does not exist. A strong vision fuels passion and helps you transcend fear, doubt, discouragement and barriers preventing you from accomplishing your goals."
-Stephen Covey

Here in K.K.Kingston, I have a usual Saturday meeting and before I begin the technical trainings, I realized that I need goal setting first for my personnel. I made a form from which I asked them to write down what they want to become. I would like to know first where they want to go so I can show them the way. The other gives a long term goal and some short. I also asked them the steps they think can help them from achieving it. Others are too shy to write what they want so I told them my story.

In the post The Foundation I wrote: "I envisioned myself of becoming like him (DMR, a Maintenance Manager) managing both Mechanical and Electrical divisions and after 5 years of hard work, it came to life when I accepted the job here in PNG as a Plant Engineer."

I told them that I did not become a Plant Engineer by chance. I have been proactive enough to learn what is needed. From vision to reality, it is a great feeling to achieve something. It took me years to get it... but I got it. After the story, they became very enthusiastic on writing what they want to be and in adding the steps they will take. I gave them more of mine and other’s experiences that may motivate them, and they responded well.

Read post: Habit #1
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Friday, February 6, 2009

Behind the Scene

Blogs or weblogs may just be something to be read to many. For bloggers, this is a serious thing. I am still a newbie in this area but I have done a lot already to make my blog be better and gain viewers. Many said that very good content is the key but we all know that fist impression lasts and when presentation is not good, readers may not probably look at the good content you have. Listed below are the things that happened before this blog ended as you see it now.

Programming : Good thing for me, I have studied HTML programming before. I don’t have much problem when it comes to editing layout and the content. I had some problem when I changed the blog into 3 columns as it is only 2 by default. I encountered lots of problem in editing because many parameters can’t be accessed due to the change I made. I really want it to be 3 columns so I did all the research in order for me to have the look and contents I want. The “Continue reading…” part is also a modification which is created thru editing the HTML file. I really wanted it so that I can display more posts in a bit short window only.

Trials : The widgets (the things you see at the sides), would not look as consistent as this if I did not tried to modify them. I tried to make their width consistent as possible. I also did some modifications on the HTML file this has, thru trial and error, I ended up with this format. I also wanted some fonts to be bigger so I tried to change some of them and was successful, but not on the first try.

Traffic : Gaining viewers or traffic is never easy but there a lot of ways and it can be seen at Backlink page. I am affiliated with them as they promised to help gain visitors for the site, but with some catch of course. I have tested other sites that help bloggers but they are the best that brought me whatever traffic I am gaining now. I also became member of and where you can join communities and be friend with other bloggers.

Content : After I have finalized the format of the blog, which I think I would still modify later, putting the content was never easy… before. It takes me a bit of time to make a blog out of my previous experiences. After much practice, I can easily put into words all the things that I recall. This is the main ingredient so I would like to have each and every post something worth reading.
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Book #4: 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The first book by John Maxwell that I read is “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”. I remembered that I read this book from the plane going to China as we have to go to a paper company and finished it on the plane going back three weeks after. I had fun time reading this as John has led some ministries. Yes, he is a church leader. He has a lot of experience and the contents of his book are something worth reading.

This is the first book for leadership that I read from cover to cover. Before this, I would just read articles in the internet or listen to audio books. It was easy for me to relate as I have been practicing leadership beforehand. I am very much encouraged because I can relate in many of his experiences and I learned a lot of new terminologies and motivational quotations from this book.

I would use the learnings I have from him as I have used it in my other posts. The way he presents the laws is different and as I read, I can sense his decision making and firmness even if his experience is more on ministries. Same with other books, I will be jotting down more experiences not only at work but also in my personal life that coincides with his teachings.

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