Thursday, March 5, 2009

The box

Beside every single task in my planner is a tick box which I use as an indicator if it is finished or not. It really keeps me moving as I don’t want these tasks to be left unfinished so I do lots of follow ups or do it myself if I can whenever I see an open one. I also write down even the small things that need to be done.<>

I don’t trust my memory and it has failed me lots of times. Seeing all jobs that need to be done, I can also easily do prioritizing. I still forget to write some things but they are sure to be manageable, urgent things should be well listed and finished the soonest time possible.

I really prefer it instead of the electronic task list as I can easily access it in from my desk and scan thru pages with boxes with no ticks or x-mark in it. Even though I am a fan of electronics, I only use them for listing new task when I am far from my office so that I would not to forget it. I will still later write them down on my planner – with a tick box beside it of course.


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