Friday, November 28, 2008

the console

I loved playing video games since the time of famicom or family computer made by Nintendo. Today, what I have is a black slim PSP. I just finished a game which has a title: “Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core.” The scenes are amazing and I really adore the animation. The game is about Zack, a 2nd class soldier who wanted to be 1st class and he got it early on. The main issue that story wants to disseminate is embracing dreams and protecting honor. It was stated a hundred times by Zack and his mentor, Angeal. Unfortunately, he died but his dream came true – to become a hero.<>

Playing the game, Zack battles enemies, levels up and had to finish lot of stages. The story is a long and complex one (I finished it in about a week at least 4 hours a day.) In it is an option that is called missions. There are certain areas only where you can play them. This option is a training ground where the character can also level up, gain some points and get other things he can use as well. With them, when he goes back to the flow of the main story, he will be stronger and more armed to face the enemies. I would finish some missions whenever I can so no monster can be big enough to stop me inside the main phase. Sacrificing some time for those missions, I knew I would finish the game easily.

Compared to my own flow of story, reading books and talking to experienced people are some of the options I am taking so that there would be no monsters such as problems that will be big enough to stop me from achieving my goals. These are things that I do to make me more armed to face the real world. What are your missions?


  1. You know, it's interesting that you made a post about this game. I've played the original FFVII and loved the game. And this is about who Cloud, the main character in FF7, thought he was the whole story.

    I have a PSP myself, but haven't gotten around to checking out this game. I really need to though.

  2. it's nice blog,waiting another posting

  3. This is a nice blog as well as posts are very good like this. appreciated


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