Thursday, December 4, 2008

Obama won!

Too late for this? Not quite ‘coz what I will tell you is something that happened before the election. This article is made possible by Obama’s win. Hooray for Obama! <>

Months before that day, my friend Billy thinks that Obama will win. Our other 2 friends think McCain will win simply because he is “white”. With that Billy bet 12-packs of beer each with the other two guys and they agreed.

We watched them whenever we see them on screen. It was a see saw battle then, but the more they speak, the more I liked Obama's way. A month or so before the election, Billy approached me and asked me who I think will win? I answered that for me, it will be Obama as he has more sense of leadership than McCain. Also, the type of leader he is is close if not same as the people I am following. He just smiled and left knowing that we are on the same side. But if he asked how I saw leadership in Obama, I would simply answer what John Maxwell said: “The more leadership ability a person has, the more quickly he recognizes leadership, or the lack of it, in others.”

Good thing he won, otherwise this won’t be written!


  1. Lol, funny post man.. Like the whole betting thing. But in the long run, I'm happy that Obama one as well. His economic plan better fits for the times our country is facing right now.

  2. Hilarious...

    I just hope that Obama's perceived effective plans and strategies to resolve the current financial crisis will create immediate positive results.

  3. Fantastic and funny post. Keep it up.



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